Maximize Your Savings with ABC Energy Efficiency Tips

Save on energy costs and optimize efficiency with ABC Energy’s tools and tips. From leveraging the EZ Rate Tool to joining our Guaranteed Savings Program, we guide you towards substantial energy use control and savings. Get the insights and strategies you need without delay.

Key Takeaways

  • The EZ Rate Tool by ABC Energy and Great American Gas & Electric simplifies energy rate selection for businesses and residents, offering tailored, real-time access to fixed energy rates with no sign-up fee and the ability to view rates up to 3 months in advance.

  • Our expert consultations and collaborations with multiple ESCOs offer businesses customized energy strategies and solutions, potentially leading to significant cost savings by integrating energy goals into overall business operations and leveraging ESCO expertise.

  • ABC Energy’s Guaranteed Savings Program affords residential and small commercial customers guaranteed annual savings on natural gas supply rates if they use less than 7500 therms annually, with average savings observed during the last audit period of 8.4% compared to Con Edison’s published supply rates.

Discover the EZ Rate Tool: Simplify Your Energy Selection

Imagine a tool that streamlines your energy selection process, granting immediate access to fixed electric and natural gas supply rates. This is precisely what the EZ Rate Tool accomplishes. A product of the collaboration between ABC Energy and Great American Gas & Electric, the EZ Rate Tool offers an online platform that takes the guesswork out of energy rate selection.

The EZ Rate Tool, accessible on the ABC Energy website and various social media platforms, enables businesses to effortlessly navigate their energy options. This online tool is a cornerstone of energy efficiency, designed to help you make informed decisions about your energy usage and supply rates.

How the EZ Rate Tool Works

To use the EZ Rate Tool, simply follow these steps:

  1. Input your basic information such as your contact details, and utility account number from your energy bill.

  2. Once this information is submitted, your fixed rates will be available instantly in participating markets.

  3. You gain instant access to available energy rates that are tailored to your specific needs.

Utilizing the EZ Rate Tool offers the following benefits:

  • No upfront cost, with no sign-up fee required

  • View supply rates up to a year in advance before your current agreement expires

  • Ample time to plan your energy strategy

Benefits of the EZ Rate Tool

The EZ Rate Tool offers numerous advantages, including the convenience of:

  • Streamlining the energy rate selection process

  • Promptly obtaining fixed rates for 6 to 36 months

  • Empowering consumers with straightforward navigation and choice

  • Putting consumers in control of their energy decisions

Furthermore, for utilities that don’t offer instant data, the EZ Rate Tool has got you covered. It offers the following features:

  • Sends personalized rates through email, helping users stay informed and save time

  • Enhances decision-making with transparent, comprehensive fixed rates without hidden fees

  • Indicates a transparent approach to energy costs

Expert Consultation for Tailored Energy Solutions

Expert consultation is indispensable in managing your energy requirements and expenditures. Having an industry expert by your side can make all the difference in navigating the complexities of energy management. Our experts collaborate with numerous Energy Service Companies (ESCOs) to provide a nuanced approach that takes into account each business’s specific needs.

Developing a cohesive energy strategy involves creating a C-level mandate, integrating energy goals into the company’s vision and operations, and engaging stakeholders. By systematically applying a robust energy strategy, significant cost savings can be realized. This can be especially impactful for large companies with extensive energy expenditures.

Customized Energy Strategies

The development of customized energy strategies commences at the executive level. Energy objectives are woven into the company’s overall business vision, ensuring a unified approach to energy management. These strategies take into account influential environmental, social, and business trends.

The pathway to revamping a company’s energy policy involves a five-step framework:

  1. Creating a C-level mandate

  2. Integrating energy goals

  3. Monitoring progress

  4. Embracing new technologies

  5. Engaging stakeholders

Each step is designed to ensure a comprehensive approach towards achieving energy efficiency.

Collaboration with ESCO Partners

Collaborating with ESCO partners is a key component in accomplishing energy-saving targets. They engage with clients to identify specific needs, set priorities, and plan projects that can benefit from energy savings to offset costs. The partnership extends well beyond immediate project execution, encompassing ongoing project monitoring, measurement, and verification over prolonged periods.

ESCOs share the financial risk involved in executing the energy efficiency projects. They streamline making buildings more energy-efficient in a cost-effective way, leveraging federal funding opportunities to facilitate project financing. In essence, the collaboration with ESCO partners brings you a step closer to your energy-saving goals.

Experience Guaranteed Savings with Our Exclusive Program

The Guaranteed Savings Program presents a notable chance for residential and small commercial customers to access annual savings on their natural gas bills. Designed exclusively for customers who use less than 7500 therms of natural gas annually, this program ensures lower gas supply rates compared to Con Edison’s published annual rate.

This program is a testament to ABC Energy’s commitment to delivering value to their customers. By participating in the Guaranteed Savings Program, customers can keep their energy costs under control.

Qualifying for the Guaranteed Savings Program

There are a few prerequisites to qualify for the Guaranteed Savings Program. The program is specifically designed for residential and small commercial customers. If you are a Con Edison customer who uses less than 7500 therms of natural gas annually, you are automatically eligible for the program.

This program guarantees:

  • Unambiguous savings without complex terms

  • Lower gas supply rates for eligible customers compared to Con Edison’s published annual rate

  • No long term contract or commitment required to realize annual savings

Average Savings for Enrolled Customers

Customers who have enrolled in the Guaranteed Savings Program have reaped substantial savings on their natural gas supply. An impressive average savings of 8.4% was achieved from October 1, 2022, to September 30, 2023, compared to Con Edison supply customers.

These savings are not a fluke but a direct result of being part of the Guaranteed Savings Program. Thus, by enrolling in the program, you too can enjoy these savings and reduce your energy bills.

ABC Energy Blog: Your Source for Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Living

If you’re interested in delving deeper into energy efficiency and sustainable living, the ABC Energy blog, aptly named ‘Watts Up’, serves as your comprehensive resource. The blog offers expert insights on energy-saving techniques, sustainable practices, and market trends.

Whether you are a homeowner or a business owner looking to reduce your carbon footprint and energy costs, ‘Watts Up’ has got you covered. The blog provides comprehensive guides and updates on renewable energy, energy conservation, and sustainable living practices. It’s designed to be a hub of knowledge where you can learn, explore, and implement energy-efficient practices.

Energy Efficiency Tips

The ‘Watts Up’ blog is brimming with insightful energy efficiency tips. These tips are not just theoretical but practical, helping you make immediate changes that lead to tangible savings in your energy costs. The blog guides you through the process of becoming more energy-efficient, providing expert insights and actionable advice to help you reduce your energy consumption and carbon footprint.

The blog encompasses a broad spectrum of topics, including:

  • Managing your energy consumption

  • Integrating energy-saving techniques

  • Making informed decisions about your energy consumption

  • Embracing a more sustainable lifestyle

It’s a resource that’s designed to empower you with the knowledge you need to make informed decisions about your energy consumption, helping you embrace a more sustainable lifestyle.

Sustainable Living Practices

More than just a buzzword, sustainable living is a lifestyle choice with considerable effects on our environment. At ‘Watts Up’, you can explore numerous sustainable living practices, ranging from eco-friendly gift ideas to partnering with ESCOs for improved system operations and sustainability efforts.

The blog promotes sustainable living through a variety of articles. For instance, the article ‘Sustainable Gift Ideas for Valentine’s Day’ encourages readers to choose eco-friendly options such as recyclable cards and fair-trade chocolates. It’s a wonderful way to learn how to incorporate sustainability into your everyday life.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the EZ Rate Tool?

The EZ Rate Tool is an online tool that allows residences and businesses to choose fixed electric and natural gas supply rates conveniently.

How does the EZ Rate Tool work?

The EZ Rate Tool works by requiring businesses to enter their name, contact information, and utility account number from their energy bill in order to access all-inclusive electric and natural gas supply rates instantly.

What is the purpose of expert consultation?

The purpose of expert consultation is to provide businesses with a tailored approach to energy management and guide them through a selection of customized energy solutions, often through collaboration with industry experts and ESCO partners. This helps businesses analyze their specific needs and make informed decisions.

Who qualifies for the Guaranteed Savings Program?

Customers who use less than 7500 therms of gas annually automatically qualify for the Guaranteed Savings Program, specifically designed for residential and small commercial customers, ensuring a lower gas supply rate than Con Edison's published annual rate.

What is the average savings for customers enrolled in the Guaranteed Savings Program?

Customers enrolled in the Guaranteed Savings Program saved an average of 8.4% on their natural gas supply compared to Con Edison customers during the last audit period.


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