PECO Power Outage Info

The PECO Power Outage Map provides real-time information on reported outages and their status.

The map displays current outages and customers out of service, including specific details about PECO outages, with updates every 15-30 minutes.

Users can view the map in metric and imperial units for their convenience.

The map is powered by reliable technology, providing accurate and up-to-date data for PECO's service areas.

Report an Outage

  • To report an outage, you can use the PECO app, visit their website, or call their customer service number.

  • Provide customer-specific information like your account number and address when reporting an outage for quicker assistance.

Outage Safety Tips

  • Always stay away from downed power lines.

  • Report any hazardous conditions immediately to PECO.

Checking Outage Status

  • Check outage status by entering your account number, phone number, or address.

  • Log in to your account to view personalized outage information and account details. Ensure only the account holder or authorized agent accesses this data for security reasons.

  • The outage map feature allows you to view the status of reported outages in your area.

  • Estimated restoration times are provided for each outage to help you stay informed and prepared.

Outage Map Features and Functionality

  • The PECO Outage Map offers a seamless user experience with real-time updates.

  • Users can customize the map view by selecting different layers, such as regional boundaries and area summaries.

  • The map provides information on the number of customers served and those currently out of service.

  • Information about downed power lines and other outages is clearly indicated, keeping you informed about your area.

Reporting and Tracking Outages

  • Report an outage or gas emergency to PECO using their online form or by contacting their customer service number.

  • When reporting, be sure to provide specific information like your account number and address to ensure efficient handling.

  • Only the account holder or authorized customer agent is permitted to use the account system to maintain secure access.

  • Unauthorized use of the PECO account system is strictly prohibited and may lead to legal action.

Staying Informed and Prepared

  • Stay informed about reported outages and restoration updates through the PECO Outage Map and notification services.

  • The PECO Outage Map offers real-time data on current outages, the number of customers affected, and those still in service. The information is refreshed frequently, every 15 to 30 minutes.

  • Customers can receive restoration updates through text messages, emails, or automated calls from PECO, keeping you updated on the latest developments.

  • The outage map also features a heat map view of user-submitted problem reports to help you stay aware of widespread issues in your area.

  • Planning ahead by knowing the status of your electric service helps you stay prepared for any disruptions.