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New York Electric & Gas:

Utility Directory and Energy FAQs

NY Utility Directory

Find contact information, rates, and services for major

New York Electric & Gas companies.

Check Out Everything Energy:

Your All-In-One Resource

Explore energy policies, efficiency programs, and the latest sustainability initiatives across New York State.

Policies & Regulations

Efficiency & Sustainability

Assistance & Incentives

NY State Energy Statistics & Trends

Energy FAQs

  • New York relies on natural gas, nuclear, and renewable energy like hydro, wind, and solar. The CLCPA is expanding renewable energy.

  • Deregulation lets New Yorkers choose suppliers, while utilities manage delivery.

  • ESCOs offer alternative pricing plans for natural gas and electricity.

  • NYSERDA offers incentives for solar, efficient appliances, and home upgrades.

  • The CLCPA aims for zero-emission electricity by 2040, guiding the state's clean energy transition.

  • The NY-Sun Initiative and various tax credits help reduce costs for renewable energy installations, such as solar panels and wind energy.

  • Compare rates and contract terms to select the best ESCO for your energy needs.

  • Programs like NYSERDA support energy-efficient projects to promote sustainability.

  • Community Solar lets New Yorkers get solar bill credits without installing panels.

  • During an outage, check utility apps, conserve food, and have emergency supplies ready.